3rd Workshop on Tools and Resources for People with REAding DIfficulties (READI)

Aims of the Workshop

Important Dates

Invited Speaker
Giulia Venturi (ILC-CNR, Pisa, Italy)

Title: Putting the right book into the hands of the right reader” in the era of Large Language Models

Abstract: The seminal work 'The Concept of Readability' by Edgar Dale and Jeanne Chall in 1949 laid the foundation for extensive research in automatic readability assessment and text simplification. Introducing their reflections, the two authors assert that early attempts to define objective methods of measuring readability were primarily undertaken by educators, leaders in adult education, and librarians, who sought 'to find some means of putting the right book into the hand of the right reader'. My talk will stem from this notion of readability and explore some of the factors considered by Dale and Chall relevant to making a book readable, particularly factors related to style of expression, characteristics of readers, and textual genre. Drawing upon empirical case studies from my recent research activities, I will discuss how the perspective on the study of these factors has changed over time, in conjunction with changes and advancements in computational approaches to modeling linguistic complexity. They range from computational models employing explicit features to more recent Large Language Models implicitly encoding vast general-purpose knowledge. During my presentation, I will reflect on the fact that despite such changes in the perspective of study these factors still have an enduring significance, and they continue to hold prominence in current scholarly investigations.