FABRA documentation

1. Language variables description
2. Description of the aggregators

Language variables description


Description of the aggregators

Measures of range

1. sum: The sum of all observed values in the text.

2. min: The smallest observed value in the text.

3. max: The biggest observed value in the text.

4. len: The total number of observations in the text.

Measures of separation

5. median: The median value of all observations in the text.

6. Q1: The first quantile of all observations in the text.

7. Q3: The third quantile of all observations in the text.

8. 80P: The 80th percentile of all observations in the text.

9. 90P: The 90th percentile of all observations in the text..

Measures of central tendency

10. avg: The average value of all observations in the text.

11. mode: The mode value of all observations in the text.

Measures of dispersion

12. var: The variance of all observations in the text.

13. std: The standard deviation of all observations in the text.

14. RSD: The relative standard deviation of all observations in the text.

15. IQR: The interquartile range of all observations in the text.

16. Dolch: The 90th percentile subtracted from the median, to be applicable to other variables than just sentence length.

Measures of description of the curve

17. skewness: The skewness of the distributuion of all observations in the text.

18. kurtosis: The kurtosis of the distributuion of all observations in the text.