Tools and Resources for People with REAding DIfficulties (READI)

LREC Workshop | June, 24th 2022 | Marseille, France

Workshop description

This workshop invites participation from individuals with experience and/or interest in text adaptation or in other technologies to improve reading or to facilitate readability. The general idea is to stimulate discussion on different ongoing research questions concerning solutions to leverage document accessibility. By bringing together researchers from various research communities, we aim to address the issue from different angles.

Call for Papers

The aim of the workshop is to present current state-of-the-art techniques and achievements for text adaptations together with existing reading aids and resources for lifelong learning. The materials can be addressed to children struggling with difficulties in learning to read, to the community of teachers, speech-language pathologists and parents seeking solutions, but also to adults and professionals involved with adults struggling with reading (illiterates, aphasic readers, low vision readers, etc.).

The workshop aims to address the issue from a variety of domains and languages, including natural language processing, linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychophysics of vision and education. Topics include but are not limited to the following: