TBA, Atelier FIAL sur l'IA générative, UCLouvain. February 20.


"Au-delà de l’étiquette unique~: Vers une annotation plus riche en TAL", LIFT2 (Linguistique Informatique, Formelle et de Terrain)~: Journées de lancement, Université d'Orléans. November 14.

"An overview of the Universal Dependencies resources and tools", Experimental Laboratory of University of Bologna. November 7.

"Au-delà de l’étiquette unique~: Vers une annotation plus riche en TAL", COLDOC 2024 Colloque de doctorants et jeunes chercheurs "La linguistique dans une ère nouvelle~: discours, méthodes et technologies dans le paysage contemporain", Université Paris Nanterre. October 14.

Invited panelist "Intelligence artificielle et diversité linguistique: quels impacts et possibilités", Conférence sur le Multilinguisme au XXIème siècle, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Brussels. April 8.

"The place of linguistics in Artificial Intelligence", WTW Catalyst Conversations. January 18.


"L'IA générative: Potentiel et défis", La rencontre de la Fondation Louvain, UCLouvain. December 14.

"Investigating reasons for disagreement in natural language inference", NLP Seminars, Cambridge University. June 9.

"Les technologies du langage et l'IA", Séance inaugurale de la Chaire Altissia Cultures et éthique du numérique, UCLouvain. April 25.

"Added values & benefits: COST Action CA21167 Universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology", COST INFO DAY 2023 Belgium. April 25.

"Investigating reasons for disagreement in natural language inference", MAGNET, INRIA Lille Europe. March 30.

Invited panelist "ChatGPT : menace ou opportunité pour l’enseignement supérieur~?", UCLouvain - Woluwé. March 8.

Invited panelist "ChatGPT : menace ou opportunité pour l’enseignement supérieur~?", UCLouvain - Louvain-la-Neuve. February 7.

"Investigating reasons from disagreement in natural language inference", Language Evolution, Acquisition, and Processing Workshop, University of Chicago, Linguistics. January 27.

"Can neural networks identify speaker commitment?", ALiAS: Amsterdam Lectures in Artificial Intelligence and Society, University of Amsterdam. January 6.


Invited panelist "Open questions, major obstacles, and unresolved issues in NLP", EMNLP, Abu Dhabi. December 11.

"The place of Linguistics in Artificial Intelligence: Why do computers still don't get it as well as we do?", Sciences & Cocktail, Brussels. October 3.

"Can neural network identify factuality?", INRIA, Université de Paris. September 28.

"L’influence de l’input parental en acquisition: la production de l’alternance dative et l’interprétation des verbes mentaux", MoDyCo, Université de Paris-Nanterre. September 27.

"Can neural networks identify speaker commitment?", Invited Symposium on Computational Approaches to the Study of Meaning at ELM2, University of Pennsylvania. May 18.

"Can neural networks identify factuality?", Distinguished Computational Linguistics Lecture, Rochester Institute of Technology. March 31.


"Universal Dependencies: the good, the bad and the potential", Keynote at the first workshop on Parsing and its Applications for Indian Languages (PAIL-2021). December 16.

"Can neural networks identify speaker commitment?", ILFC Seminar: Interactions between formal and computational linguistics, GDR LIFT (Linguistique Informatique, Formelle et de Terrain). June 1.

"Identifying speaker commitment for natural language understanding", CENTAL Seminars, UCLouvain. May 6.

"Quelle place pour la linguistique dans l'intelligence artificielle~?", Keynote at 50 ans de linguistique à l'UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal) - Regards croisés sur les enjeux de la linguistique. April 24.


"Do you know that there's still a chance? Identifying speaker commitment for natural language understanding", Keynote at the 22nd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa'19), Turku, Finland. October 1.


"Computational pragmatics: A case study of speaker commitment", Keynote at the 2018 International Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese, Canela, Brazil. September 24.

"Computational pragmatics: A case study of speaker commitment", NLP and Text as Data Speaker Series, New York University. March 5.


"Computational pragmatics: A case study of speaker commitment", Department of Linguistics Colloquium Series, Stanford University. November 10.

"Automatically drawing inferences", Department of Linguistics Colloquium Series, University of Geneva. September 26.

"Common sense data: where do things stand?", Computational Linguistics Unit, University of Geneva. September 25.

"Drawing inferences", Google Natural Language Understanding Workshop, July 27.

"Automatically drawing inferences", ILCC seminar, University of Edinburgh, May 24.

"Universal dependencies: the good, the bad, and the potential", Keynote at the 15th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, Bloomington, Indiana. January 21.


"Drawing inferences", Panelist at the NSF-funded workshop Uphill Battles in Language Processing, EMNLP, Austin, Texas. November 5.

"Assessing the consistency and use of common sense and dependency annotations", Keynote at the 10th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, Association for Computational Linguistics, Berlin. August 7.

"Using linguistic insights to improve textual understanding: applications to coreference resolution and negation detection", Keynote at Nuance virtual Research Conference, Nuance. March 17.


"I think that's enough": Mental state verbs rarely report beliefs in child-directed speech. Buckeye Language Network symposium, The Ohio State University. March 13.

"Did it happen? The pragmatic complexity of veridicality assessment". Workshop on language, cognition, and computation, University of Chicago. February 6.


"Modeling the lifespan of discourse entities with application to coreference resolution". Language Technology Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. December 5.

"Modeling the lifespan of discourse entities with application to coreference resolution". Computer Sciences, Pittsburgh University. November 14.

"Capturing inferences: Detecting conflicting information and veridicality", Nuance Research Seminar, Nuance, Sunnyvale, CA. July 16.


"Aren't you tired of gradable adjectives? They are fascinating": Automatically deriving adjectival scales. Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins University. December 6.

"Aren't you tired of gradable adjectives? They are fascinating": Automatically deriving adjectival scales. Computer Sciences, University of Pennsylvania. December 5.


"What's that supposed to mean? Modeling the pragmatic meaning of utterances". Linguistics Department, The Ohio State University. March 5.

"Un modèle statistique de l'alternance dative chez l'enfant". Linguistics Department, Paris 7, Paris, France. January 27.

"What's that supposed to mean? Modeling the pragmatic meaning of utterances". Computer Science Department, University College London, England. January 26.


"Monitoring distributional patterns in our input: probabilistic models for production and comprehension". Alpage, Inria - Paris 7, Paris, France. September 9.

"Computational models of utterance meaning". ISI, LA. April 29.


"Finding contradictions in text". Yahoo!, Sunnyvale.

"Introduction to Computational Linguistics". Guest lecturer. Presentation for Introduction to Linguistics. Professors Penelope Eckert and Ivan Sag, Stanford University. November 10.

"Introduction to Computational Linguistics". Guest lecturer. Presentation for Introduction to Linguistics. Asya Pereltsvaig, Stanford University. June 4.