Louis Escouflaire, Joanna Blochowiak, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Elisabeth Degand. 2024. "Can humans and large language models predict French causal connectives parce que and car with minimal context?". Talk, The 5th Experimental Pragmatics Conference in Italy ( 2024), Venice.


Lisa Hofmann, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Judith Tonhauser. 2023. "Projection variability of clausal complements across different operators". Poster, The Tenth Biennial Meeting of Experimental Pragmatics (XPRAG X), Université Paris Cité.

Lisa Hofmann, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Judith Tonhauser. 2023. "Projection variability of attitude complements across different operators", Sinn und Bedeutung 28, Bochnum.


Taylor Mahler, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Catherine Lai. 2021. "Factivity, prosody, and at-issueness: Investigating the projection behavior of (non-)factives". Poster, MK40: Common Knowledge, Common Ground, and Context in Communication.


Taylor Mahler, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Catherine Lai. 2019. "The prosody of presupposition projection in naturally-occurring utterances". Poster, Sinn und Bedeutung 24, Osnabrück. [abstract]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Mandy Dickerman, Micha Elsner and Shari R. Speer. 2019. "Individual strategies for resolving lexical and prosodic cues to certainty". Poster, 32nd CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Boulder, CO. [poster]


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Mandy Simons and Judith Tonhauser. 2018. "Factivity in doubt: Clause-embedding predicates in naturally occurring discourse". Poster, Sinn und Bedeutung 23, Barcelona. [abstract]


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Micha Elsner and Shari Speer. 2017. "I think it’s a tiger": Does prosody help distinguish different uses of belief verbs? Poster, 30th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Cambridge, MA. [poster]


Kiwako Ito, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Paul Sandels. 2016. "Developmental shift in the organization of lexical alternatives", The Mental Lexicon, Ottawa.


Judith Tonhauser, David Beaver, Judith Degen, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Craige Roberts and Mandy Simons. 2015. "Negated evaluative adjective sentences: What projects, and why?", Experimental Pragmatics 2015, Chicago, IL. [abstract]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Micha Elsner. 2015. "I think that's enough": Mental state verbs rarely report beliefs in child-directed speech. Poster, 28th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Los Angeles, CA. [poster]


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe (joint work with Marta Recasens and Christopher Potts). 2014. "Modeling the Lifespan of Discourse Entities: Nature or Nurture?", 2nd Conference of the American Pragmatics Association, UCLA, October 17-19.

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Judith Tonhauser. 2014. "Indirect answers to polar questions: Scalar inferencing and the rise-fall-rise contour", 5th Meeting of the DFG Network on Questions in Discourse, University of Stuttgart, May 20-21.

Paul Sandels, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Micha Elsner. 2014. "Child-directed mental state verbs are often assertions", Midwest Speech and Language Day 2014, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Christopher D. Manning. 2014. "Stanford Universal dependencies", EACL Universal Dependency Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 26.

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Judith Tonhauser. 2014. "Prosody affects scalar implicature generation". Poster, 27th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Columbus, OH. [poster]

Seth Wiener and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2014. "Top-down lexical tone processing in Mandarin Chinese". Poster, East Asian Psycholinguistics Conference, Chicago, IL.


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Chris Potts. 2011. "A case study in effectively crowdsourcing long tasks with novel categories". Workshop on Crowdsourcing Technologies for Language and Cognition Studies, 2011 Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute.


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Meghan Sumner. 2009. "Manipulating within-speaker variation in non-native speech perception". Poster, 158th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Antonio, Texas, 26-30 October 2009. [poster]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2009. "Input and pattern frequencies matter for acquiring French past participle forms". 33rd Stanford Child Language Research Forum, 10-12 July, Berkeley. [abstract]

Harry Tily, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Roger Levy. 2009. "Comprehension difficulty reflects an understanding of likely production errors". Poster, 22nd CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Davis, CA. [poster]


Sebastian Padó, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Bill MacCartney, Anna N. Rafferty, Eric Yeh and Christopher D. Manning. 2008. "Deciding entailment and contradiction with stochastic and edit distance-based alignment". Text Analysis Conference 2008 (RTE Track), 17-19 November. [paper]

Scott Grimm and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2008. "Re-examining instrumental subjects from an empirical stance". 82nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Chicago. [abstract]


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Scott Grimm, Uriel Cohen Priva, Sander Lestrade, Gorkem Ouzbek, Tyler Schnoebelen, Susannah Kirby, Misha Becker, Vivienne Fong and Joan Bresnan. "A statistical model of grammatical choices in children's production of dative sentences". Formal Approaches to Variation in Syntax, University of York, England, 10-12 May 2007.