Leon Weber-Genzel, Siyao Peng, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Barbara Plank. 2024. VARIERR NLI: Separating Annotation Error from Human Label Variation. In Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024). [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Joakim Nivre and Daniel Zeman. 2024. Function words in Universal Dependencies. In Linguistic Analysis}, 43 (3-4): 549-588 (invited contribution). [PDF]

Louis Escouflaire, Joanna Blochowiak, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Elisabeth Degand. 2024. Which connective fits best: 'car' or 'parce que'? A challenge for both humans and LLMs. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT 2024). [PDF]

Ashley Lewis, Lingbo Mo, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Huan Sun and Michael White. 2024. Insights of a Usability Study for KBQA Interactive Semantic Parsing: Generation Yields Benefits over Templates but External Validity Remains Challenging. In Proceedings of the HumEval workshop at LREC-Coling2024. [PDF]

Lisa Hofmann, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Judith Tonhauser. 2024. Projection variability: Is the family of sentences really a family? In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 28. [PDF]


Nan-Jiang Jiang, Chenhao Tan and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2023. Ecologically Valid Explanations for Label Variation in NLI. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023. [PDF]

Jérémie Bogaert, Louis Escouflaire, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Antonin Descampe, Cédrick Fairon and Francois-Xavier Standaert. 2023. Sensibilité des explications à l'aléa des grands modèles de langage~: le cas de la classification de textes journalistiques. In Traitement Automatique des Langues, ATALA 64 (3):19-44. [PDF]

Jérémie Bogaert, Louis Escouflaire, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Antonine Descampe, François-Xavier Standaert and Cédrick Fairon. 2023. TIPECS: A corpus cleaning method using machine learning and qualitative analysis. In Actes des 11èmes Journées Internationales de la Linguistique de Corpus: 160-164. [PDF]


Nanjiang Jiang and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2022. Investigating reasons for disagreement in Natural Language Inference. In Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 10: 1357–1374. [PDF]

Rodrigo Wilkens, David Alfter, Rémi Cardon, Isabelle Gribomont, Adrien Bibal, Patrick Watrin, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Thomas François. 2022. CENTAL at TSAR-2022 Shared Task: How does context impact BERT-generated substitutions for lexical simplification? In Workshop on Text Simplification, Accessibility, and Readability (TSAR-2022). [PDF]

Jérémie Bogaert, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Antonin Descampe and Francois-Xavier Standaert. 2022. Automatic and manual detection of generated news: Case study, limitations and challenges. In 1st ACM International Workshop on Multimedia AI against Disinformation. [PDF]


Nanjiang Jiang and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2021. He thinks he knows better than the doctors: BERT for event factuality fails on pragmatics. In Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 9: 1081–1097. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Christopher D. Manning, Joakim Nivre and Daniel Zeman. 2021. Universal Dependencies. In Computational Linguistics 47(2): 255–308. [PDF]

Xinliang Frederick Zhang and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2021. Identifying inherent disagreement in natural language inference. In Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. [PDF]


Judith Tonhauser, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Judith Degen. 2020. Evaluative adjective sentences: A question-based analysis of projection. In Glossa: A journal of general linguistics 5(1): 87. 1-33. [doi]

Ahmad Aljanaideh, Eric Fosler-Lussier and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2020. Contextualized embeddings for enriching linguistic analyses on politeness. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of Computational Linguistics (Coling 2020). [PDF]

Taylor Mahler, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Catherine Lai. 2020. The prosody of presupposition projection in naturally-occurring utterances. In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24. [PDF]


Nanjiang Jiang and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2019. "Evaluating BERT for natural language inference: a case study on the CommitmentBank." In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2019). [PDF]

Elena Vaiksnoraite, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Judith Tonhauser. 2019. On the prosody of presupposition projection: A production experiment. In North East Linguistic Society 49: 241-254. [PDF]

Nanjiang Jiang and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2019. "Do you know that Florence is packed with visitors? Evaluating state-of-the-art models of speaker commitment." In Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019). Best short paper award. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Mandy Simons and Judith Tonhauser. 2019. "The CommitmentBank: Investigating projection in naturally occurring discourse." In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23. [PDF]

Bruno Guillaume, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Guy Perrier. 2019. "Conversion et améliorations de corpus du français annotés en Universal Dependencies." In Traitement Automatique des Langues, ATALA 60 (2):71-95. [PDF]

Judith Tonhauser, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Shari R. Speer and Jon Stevens. 2019. "On the information structure sensitivity of projective content". In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Joakim Nivre. Dependency Grammar. 2019. Annual Review of Linguistics 5:197-218 (invited contribution). [URL]

Alexander Erdmann, David Joseph Wrisley, Benjamin Allen, Christopher Brown, Sophie Cohen-Bodénès, Micha Elsner, Yukun Feng, Brian Joseph, B\'eatrice Joyeaux-Prunel and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2019. "Practical, Efficient, and Customizable Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition in the Digital Humanities." In Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Judith Tonhauser. 2019. Inferring meaning from indirect answers to polar questions: The contribution of the rise-fall-rise contour. "Question in Discourse" in Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics interface (Edgar Onea, Malte Zimmermann, and Klaus von Heusinger, eds.).


Jackson Luken, Nanjiang Jiang and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2018. "QED: A fact verification system for the FEVER shared task." In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Fact Extraction and VERification (FEVER). [PDF]


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Matias Grioni, Jenna Kanerva and Filip Ginter. 2017. "Assessing the annotation consistency of the Universal Dependencies corpora." In Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (DEPLING 2017). [PDF]

Sandesh Swamy, Alan Ritter and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2017. "i have a feeling trump will win..................": Forecasting winners and losers from user predictions on Twitter. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2017). [PDF]

Taylor Mahler, Willy Cheung, Micha Elsner, David King, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Cory Shain, Symon Stevens-Guille and Mike White. 2017. "Breaking NLP: Using Morphosyntax, Semantics, Pragmatics and World Knowledge to Fool Sentiment Analysis Systems." In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Building Linguistically Generalizable NLP Systems, pages 33--39, Copenhagen, Denmark. September 2017. [PDF]

Jon Scott Stevens, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Shari R. Speer and Judith Tonhauser. 2017. "Predicting projection from rational use of prosody in manner adverb utterances." In Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society Annual Meeting 2017. [PDF]


Alexander Erdmann, Christopher Brown, Brian Joseph, Mark Janse, Petra Ajaka, Micha Elsner and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2016. "Challenges and solutions for Latin named entity recognition." In Proceedings of the Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities workshop. [PDF]

Chaitanya Shivade, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Eric Fosler-Lussier and Albert M. Lai. 2016. "Identification, characterization, and grounding of gradable terms in clinical text." In Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Christopher Potts. 2016. "Developing linguistic theories using annotated corpora". Nancy Ide and James Pustejovsky, eds., The Handbook of Linguistic Annotation.

Joo-Kyung Kim, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Eric Fosler-Lussier. 2016. "Adjusting word embeddings with semantic intensity orders." In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Judith Tonhauser. "Inferring meaning from indirect answers to polar questions: The contribution of the rise-fall-rise contour." To appear in Edgar Onea, Malte Zimmermann, and Klaus von Heusinger, eds., "Question in Discourse" in Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics interface.

Benjamin Strauss, Bethany E. Toma, Alan Ritter, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Wei Xu. 2016. "Results of the WNUT16 Named Entity Recognition Shared Task." In Proceedings of Coling 2016 Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (WNUT). [PDF]

Joakim Nivre, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Filip Ginter, Yoav Goldberg, Jan Hajic, Christopher D. Manning, Ryan McDonald, Slav Petrov, Sampo Pyysalo, Natalia Silveira, Reut Tsarfaty and Daniel Zeman. 2016. "Universal Dependencies v1: A Multilingual Treebank Collection." In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). [PDF]


Lifeng Jin and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2015. "The overall markedness of discourse relations". In EMNLP 2015. [PDF]

Ajda Gokcen and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2015. "I do not disagree: Leveraging monolingual alignment to detect disagreement in dialogue". In ACL 2015. [PDF] [Data]

Timothy Baldwin, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Bo Han, Young-Bum Kim, Alan Ritter, Wei Xu. 2015. "Shared Tasks of the 2015 Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text: Twitter Lexical Normalization and Named Entity Recognition". In Proceedings of ACL 2015 Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (WNUT).

Chaitanya Shivade, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Eric Fosler-Lussier and Albert Lai. 2015. "Corpus-based discovery of semantic intensity scales". In NAACL 2015. [PDF]

Chaitanya Shivade, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Eric Fosler-Lussier and Albert Lai. 2015. "Extending NegEx with kernel methods for negation detection in clinical text". In NAACL Extra-propositional aspects of meaning in computational linguistics (ExProM) workshop. [PDF]

Joo-Kyung Kim, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Eric Fosler-Lussier. 2015. "Neural word embeddings with multiplicative feature interactions for tensor-based compositions". In NAACL workshop on vector space modeling for NLP. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Marta Recasens and Christopher Potts. 2015. "Modeling the lifespan of discourse entities with application to coreference resolution". Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 52: 445-475. [PDF]


Chaitanya Shivade, Courtney Hebert, Marcelo Lopetegui, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Eric Fosler-Lussier and Albert Lai. 2014. "Towards Textual Inference for Eligibility Criteria Resolution in Clinical Trials". In Seventh i2b2 Shared Task and Workshop: Challenges in Natural Language Processing for Clinical Data (Oral Presentation).

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Timothy Dozat, Natalia Silveira, Katri Haverinen, Filip Ginter, Joakim Nivre and Christopher D. Manning. 2014. "Universal Stanford dependencies: A cross-linguistic typology". In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014). [PDF]

Natalia Silveira, Timothy Dozat, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Samuel R. Bowman, John Bauer and Christopher D. Manning. "A gold standard dependency corpus for English". In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014). [PDF]


Manjuan Duan, Micha Elsner and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2013. "Visual and linguistic predictors for the definiteness of referring expressions". In SemDial 2013. [PDF]

Joo-Kyung Kim and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2013. "Deriving adjectival scales from continuous space word representations". In EMNLP 2013. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Miriam Connor, Natalia Silveira, Samuel R. Bowman, Timothy Dozat and Christopher D. Manning. 2013. "More constructions, more genres: Extending Stanford Dependencies". In DepLing 2013. [PDF]

Marta Recasens, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Christopher Potts. 2013. "The life and death of discourse entities: Identifying singleton mentions". In NAACL 2013.
Best short paper award. [PDF]


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2012. "What's that supposed to mean? ". PhD Dissertation, Stanford University. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Christopher D. Manning and Christopher Potts. 2012. "Did it happen? The pragmatic complexity of veridicality assessment". Computational Linguistics 38(2):301-333. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Scott Grimm, Inbal Arnon, Susannah Kirby and Joan Bresnan. 2012. "A statistical model of grammatical choices in child production of datives sentences". Language and Cognitive Processes 27(1):25-61. [view the published article]

Eve V. Clark and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2012. "Constructing verb paradigms in French: Adult construals and emerging grammatical contrasts". Morphology 22:89-120. [PDF]


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Christopher D. Manning and Christopher Potts. 2011. "Veridicality and utterance understanding". In 2011 Fifth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing. [PDF]

Spence Green, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, John Bauer and Christopher D. Manning. 2011. "Multiword expression identification with tree substitution grammars: A parsing tour de force with French". In EMNLP 2011. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, John Tomlinson, Jr., Marisa Tice and Meghan Sumner. 2011. "The interaction of lexical frequency and phonetic variation in the perception of accented speech". In Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society Annual Meeting 2011. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Anna R. Rafferty and Christopher D. Manning. 2011. "Identifying conflicting information in texts". In Joseph Olive, Caitlin Christianson and John McCary (Eds.), Handbook of Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation: DARPA Global Autonomous Language Exploitation, Springer, New York, NY. [PDF]


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Christopher D. Manning and Christopher Potts. 2010. "Was it good? It was provocative. Learning the meaning of scalar adjectives". In ACL 2010. [PDF]

Daniel Cer, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Daniel Jurafsky and Christopher D. Manning. 2010. "Parsing to Stanford Dependencies: Trade-offs between speed and accuracy". In Proceedings of LREC-10. [PDF]


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Scott Grimm and Christopher Potts. 2009. "Not a simple yes or no: Uncertainty in indirect answers". In Proceedings of the 10th Annual SIGDIAL Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Sebastian Padó and Christopher D. Manning. 2009. "Multi-word expressions in textual inference: Much ado about nothing?". Proceedings of ACL/IJCNLP 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference (TextInfer 2009). [PDF]


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Christopher D. Manning. 2008. "Stanford typed dependencies manual". Stanford University, Technical report. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Christopher D. Manning. 2008. "The Stanford typed dependencies representation". In COLING Workshop on Cross-framework and Cross-domain Parser Evaluation. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Anna Rafferty and Christopher D. Manning. 2008. "Finding contradictions in text". In ACL/HTL 2008. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2008 (ms.). "Finding contradictions in text". Second qualifying paper (chair: Christopher D. Manning), Stanford University. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe. 2008 (ms.). "Early acquisition of verb forms through interaction in conversation". First qualifying paper (chair: Eve V. Clark), Stanford University. [PDF]


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Trond Grenager, Bill MacCartney, Daniel Cer, Daniel Ramage, Chloé Kiddon and Christopher D. Manning. 2007. "Aligning semantic graphs for textual inference and machine reading". In AAAI Spring Symposium at Stanford. [PDF]

Nathanael Chambers, Daniel Cer, Trond Grenager, David Hall, Chloe Kiddon, Bill MacCartney, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Daniel Ramage, Eric Yeh and Christopher D. Manning. 2007. "Learning Alignments and Leveraging Natural Logic". In ACL-PASCAL Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing. [PDF]


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Bill MacCartney and Christopher D. Manning. 2006. "Generating Typed Dependency Parses from Phrase Structure Parses". In Proceedings of LREC-06. [PDF]

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Bill MacCartney, Trond Grenager, Daniel Cer, Anna Rafferty and Christopher D. Manning. 2006. "Learning to distinguish valid textual entailments". In Proceedings of the Second PASCAL Challenges Workshop. [PDF]

Bill MacCartney, Trond Grenager, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Daniel Cer and Christopher D. Manning. 2006. "Learning to recognize features of valid textual entailments". In Proceedings of NAACL-06. [PDF]


Rajat Raina, Aria Haghighi, Christopher Cox, Jenny Finkel, Jeff Michels, Kristina Toutanova, Bill MacCartney, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Christopher D. Manning and Andrew Y. Ng. 2005. "Robust textual inference using diverse knowledge sources". In PASCAL Challenges Workshop.

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Cédric Archambeau, Pierre Dupont and Michel Verleysen. 2005. "Local Vector-based Models for Sense Discrimination". In IWCS 6, International Workshop on Computational Semantics. [PDF]


Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Pierre Dupont. 2004. "Comparative study of statistical word sense discrimination". In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data. [PDF]